Sunday, September 22, 2013

Exfoliating is one of the best methods to keep your skin soft. There are many benefits of exfoliating that some people are not aware of.

What is Exfoliation? Simple! It's the removal of dead skin. This allows new skin cells to come about and give you smooth and silky skin. When it comes to the face I would stick with products that have natural ingredients or make them yourself. Milk, avocado, and sugar, and rice are great for exfoliating the face. They are natural and you can find them right in your kitchen.

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Akutagawa 美女 Beauty tip 1

There are several natural beauty supplies that you can find in your own kitchen. Sometimes we are so fixated on specific chemical products that we neglect what we have in our own homes. There was a great post by " The Huffington Post" that shed some light on natural products. The product of mention is tea!

Dana Oliver selected 9 benefits from tea alone. Some of these include:

- Adds shine to dull hair
- Reduces puffy eyes and dark under-eye circles
- Tones and moisturizes dry skin

Just to name a few.

Akutagawa 美女 Beauty loves natural ways to keep skin clean and clear. Try adding tea to your beauty regimen for great benefits.

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